
Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding children is paramount in our school, and we work with a range of agencies to support our pupils and their families including: social care, Plymouth Safeguarding Board, Parent Partnership, The Excellence Cluster, the local police and the Family Intervention Project.

All staff in our school receive child protection training, as part of their induction interview, and external training is provided annually to ensure that they are kept up to date. This training also includes our duty to ‘Prevent’, supporting children and families to protect them from extremism and radicalisation.
Pupils at our school are taught how to keep themselves safe through a range of lessons and initiatives, including: bullying, road safety, e-safety, and staying healthy. Lessons are also taught which encourage children to understand democracy, the law, having respect for each other, and that their opinions are valued. This includes an understanding about radicalisation and extremism. Our children are encouraged to talk about how they feel and have a range of ways to do this. Children can talk to a known adult, put a message in our ‘worry box’, or drop in to see our specialists in ‘The Hut’ at playtime or lunchtime.
The Designated Officers for Child Protection are Alison Nettleship (Chief Executive Officer), Paul Arnold (Senior Head of School) and Jodie Chubb (Assistant Head of School).

The following documents and websites are resources that we use to support Safeguarding in our school.

Plymouth Childrens' Local Safeguarding Board Website

Plymouth Prevent Partnership Website

Prevent Guidance for Schools: DFE